360 Yield Saver Brushes vs OEM Gathering Chains on JD 612C Cornhead

by Andy Syrcle, Assumption, IL

Sloan Implement became a Yield 360 dealer this summer.  We now sell all Yield 360 products to include Y-drops, chain rolls, yield savers, bullet plow points, soil scan, and undercover fungicide.

It this video we show how the yield saver brushes can prevent header loss when harvesting corn.  We took a 2012 John Deere 612c corn head and installed yield savers on rows 1-6.  We left regular OEM gathering chains on rows 7-12.  We did two separate tests from the afternoon when it was dry and windy to the next morning when there was a very light dew on the corn.  The difference is clear in both tests, but the savings on the dewy morning was approximately 1.25 bushels per acres with the yield savers vs OEM gathering chains.


There is cost involved in switching to yield 360 yield savers, however there is an immediate return on investment by saving bushels. The brushes you see in the video are known to last for approximately one year.  The initial set up for yield savers is $600 per row.  This includes new gathering chains and a set of brushes.  The gathering chains will last the same as John Deere OEM chains, but you will need to change the brushes yearly depending on acres harvested.  The cost to change brushes is $275 per row.

If you have any questions on Yield 360 products please contact Sloan Implement.

Sloan Support is written by the product support team at Sloan Implement, a 20 location John Deere dealer in Illinois and Wisconsin.  Learn more at www.sloans.com




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